INTERLANGUES is a brand of language centres based in Switzerland. Comprising of several companies, INTERLANGUES goal is to provide quality training, mainly to adults, which permits the development of language skills.
The management, office staff and teachers work together to achieve this goal.
The teaching method preferred by INTERLANGUES since its creation in 1986 is the direct or communicative method. This is reinforced by the experience of each teacher and is part of an ongoing process, linked to new requests and changing teaching methods.
« By the client, for the client! » is our slogan. The client is at the heart of our preoccupation. Customer service quality is very important for us; we assist clients in choosing the right course, we provide a top service which differentiates us from our competitors and help us to improve the service offered by ILT Languages GmbH.
ILT Languages GmbH teachers are our « ambassadors », in the classroom as well as at companies, through their professional commitment and motivation. They prefer a lively method of the language where enjoyment whilst learning is essential to acquire long-term language knowledge.